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* 브룩클린으로 가는 마지막 비상구 ....Edward Hopper (1882-1967) 본문

🌱 Ador 사색. 도서.

* 브룩클린으로 가는 마지막 비상구 ....Edward Hopper (1882-1967)

Ador38 2013. 4. 14. 21:40


American painter, engraver & illustrator

born 1882 - died 1967



Edward Hopper - 1927
Des Moines Art Center (United States)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 71.12 cm (28 in.), Width: 91.44 cm (36 in.)



A Woman in the Sun
Edward Hopper - 1961
Whitney Museum of American Art (United States)

Painting - oil on canvas

Edward Hopper (1882-1967)
Two on the Aisle
Oil on canvas, 1927
Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo


Cape Cod Evening
Edward Hopper - 1939
National Gallery of Art - Washington (United States)
Painting - oil on canvas

Height: 76.84 cm (30.25 in.), Width: 102.24 cm (40.25 in.)


Edward Hopper (1882-1967)
Cape Cod Evening [detail]
Oil on canvas, 1939
National Gallery of Art, Washington


Carolina Morning
Edward Hopper - 1955
Whitney Museum of American Art (United States)

Painting - oil on canvas


Edward Hopper - 1965
Private collection

Painting - oil on canvas


Chop Suey
Edward Hopper - 1929
Painting - oil on canvas

Height: 96.5 cm (37.99 in.), Width: 81.3 cm (32.01 in.)


Compartment Car
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Edward Hopper (1882-1967)
Conference At Night
Oil on canvas, c.1949
27 3/4 x 40 inches (70.49 x 101.60 cm)
Private collection


Corn Hill
Edward Hopper - 1930
McNay Art Museum (United States)
Painting - oil on canvas

Height: 72.39 cm (28.5 in.), Width: 107.95 cm (42.5 in.)



Drug Store
Edward Hopper - 1927
Museum of Fine Arts (United States)
Painting - oil on canvas

Height: 73.66 cm (29 in.), Width: 101.6 cm (40 in.)


Early Sunday Morning
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Eleven AM
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


El Palacio
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


First Branch of the White River, Vermont
Edward Hopper - 1938
Museum of Fine Arts (United States)
Painting - watercolor

Height: 55.2 cm (21.73 in.), Width: 68.3 cm (26.89 in.)


Edward Hopper - 1940
Museum of Modern Art (United States)
Painting - oil on canvas

Height: 66.68 cm (26.25 in.), Width: 102.24 cm (40.25 in.)


Hotel by a Railroad
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Hotel Lobby
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Hotel Room
Edward Hopper - 1931
Painting - oil on canvas

Height: 152.4 cm (60 in.), Width: 165.7 cm (65.24 in.)


Hotel Window
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


(also known as Intermedio)
Edward Hopper - 1963
Private collection

Painting - oil on canvas


Le Pont des Arts
Edward Hopper - 1907

Painting - oil on canvas


Moonlight Interior
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Morning in a City
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Morning Sun
Edward Hopper - 1952
Columbus Museum of Art (United States)
Painting - oil on canvas

Height: 71.4 cm (28.11 in.), Width: 101.9 cm (40.12 in.)


New York Movie
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


New York Office
Edward Hopper - 1962
Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts (United States)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 101.6 cm (40 in.), Width: 139.7 cm (55 in.)



Night Hawks
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Night Windows
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Office at Night
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Pennsylvania Coal Town
Edward Hopper - No dates listed
Painting - oil on canvas



People in the Sun
Edward Hopper - No dates listed
Painting - oil on canvas



Railroad Sunset
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Reclining Nude
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Road in Maine
Edward Hopper - 1914
Whitney Museum of American Art (United States)

Painting - oil on canvas


Room in Brooklyn
Edward Hopper - 1932
Museum of Fine Arts (United States)
Painting - oil on canvas

Height: 73.98 cm (29.13 in.), Width: 86.36 cm (34 in.)


Room in New York
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Rooms for Tourists
Edward Hopper - No dates listed
Painting - oil on canvas


Seven A.M.
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Soir bleu
Edward Hopper - 1914
Whitney Museum of American Art (United States)
Painting - oil on canvas

Height: 91.44 cm (36 in.), Width: 182.88 cm (72 in.)


Stairway at 48 rue de Lille Paris
Edward Hopper - 1906
Whitney Museum of American Art (United States)
Painting - oil on panel

Height: 33 cm (12.99 in.), Width: 23.5 cm (9.25 in.)


Summer Evening
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Summer Interior
Edward Hopper - 1909

Painting - oil on canvas


Summer in the City
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


Edward Hopper - 1926

Painting - oil on canvas


Sun in an Empty Room
Edward Hopper - 1963
Private collection

Painting - oil on canvas


Tables for Ladies
Edward Hopper - 1931
Metropolitan Museum of Art (United States)
Painting - oil on canvas
Height: 122.56 cm (48.25 in.), Width: 60.25 cm (23.72 in.)


Edward Hopper (1882-1967)
Cape Cod Morning
Oil on canvas, 1950
34 1/4 x 40 1/8 inches (87.00 x 101.98 cm)
Private collection


The Circle Theatre
Edward Hopper - No dates listed

Painting - oil on canvas


The Lee Shore
Edward Hopper - 1941
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Height: 71.76 cm (28.25 in.), Width: 109.22 cm (43 in.)


The Lighthouse at Two Lights
Edward Hopper - 1929
Metropolitan Museum of Art (United States)
Painting - oil on canvas

Height: 74.93 cm (29.5 in.), Width: 109.86 cm (43.25 in.)


The Wine Shop
Edward Hopper - 1909

Painting - oil on canvas


Western Motel
Edward Hopper - No dates listed
Painting - oil on canvas


Edward Hopper (1882-1967)
Bridle Path
Oil on canvas, 1939
28 1/4 x 42 1/8 inches (72.01 x 107.06 cm)
Private collection

Edward Hopper (1882-1967)
Rooms By The Sea
Oil on canvas, 1951
29 x 40 1/8 inches (73.66 x 101.98 cm)
Private collection


Edward Hopper (1882-1967)
Sheridan Theatre
Oil on canvas, 1937
17 1/8 x 25 1/4 inches (43.56 x 64.14 cm)
Private collection


Edward Hopper (1882-1967)
The Long Leg
Oil on canvas, 1935
20 x 30 1/8 inches (50.80 x 76.81 cm)
Private collection


Edward Hopper (1882-1967)
The Barber Shop
Oil on canvas, 1931
60 x 78 inches (152.40 x 198.12 cm)
Private collection


Edward Hopper (1882-1967)
Valley Of The Seine
Oil on canvas, 1908
26 x 28 inches (66.04 x 71.12 cm)
Private collection










A Love Idea - 브룩클린으로 가는 마지막 비상구 OST

도시의 일상적인 장면들을 사실적으로 묘사한 그의 그림을 통해

감상자는 익숙한 주위 환경을 낯설게 느끼게 된다.

그는 1960, 1970년대의 팝아트와 신사실주의 미술에 강한 영향을 미쳤다.

처음에는 일러스트레이션을 공부했으며,

1901~06년에 애슈캔파 화가인 로버트 헨리에게서 회화를 배웠다.

1906~10년에 3차례에 걸쳐 유럽을 여행했지만,



당시 프랑스에서 유행하던 실험적인 작품에 영향을 받지 않고

그의 생애 내내 자신의 독특한 예술세계를 추구했다.

그는 1913년의 아모리 쇼에 그림들을 전시했지만,

1924년까지는 주로 광고미술과 삽화용 에칭 판화들을 제작했다



그뒤 유화뿐만 아니라 <책을 읽고있는 모델 Model Reading〉1925, 시카고 미술연구소)

과 같은 수채화를 그리기 시작했다.



애슈캔파의 화가들과 마찬가지로 호퍼는 도시의 일상적 공간을 그렸다.

그러나 느슨한 구성과 활기 찬 분위기의 이런 그림들과는 달리

기찻길 옆의 집 House by the Railroad〉(1925, 뉴욕 현대미술관)·



〈브루클린의 방 Room in Brooklyn〉(1932, 보스턴 미술관)은 스냅 사진 같은 구도 속에



서 조용하고 비개성적인 인물들과 엄격한 기하학적 형태들을 통해 벗어날 길 없는

고독감을 보여주고 있다.

호퍼는 눈부신 아침 햇살을 그린

〈일요일의 이른 아침 Early Sunday Morning〉(1930, 뉴욕 휘트니 미국 미술관),

밤새 여는 찻집의 으스스한 빛을 그린 〈밤샘하는 사람들 Nighthawks〉

(1942, 시카고 미술연구소)을 통해 사람과 물건들을 공간 속에 고립시키는 빛을

독특하게 사용함으로써 그의 주제들이 나타내는 이러한 고독감을 더욱 고조시켰다.

호퍼의 성숙한 양식은 1920년대 중반 무렵 형성되었다.



그후에도 자신의 시각을 꾸준히 다듬어 발전시켰는데

〈2층의 햇빛 Second-Story Sunlight〉(1960, 뉴욕 휘트니 미국미술관)과 같은

후기 작품은 1920년대의 작품들에서 볼 수 있는 것보다 훨씬 더 뛰어난

빛의 구사와 매우 미묘한 공간관계를 보여준다.


Edward Hopper (1882-1967)


뉴욕주 나이액 출생.

뉴욕의 미술학교에서 R.헨리에게 그림을 배우고,

1906년 파리에 유학하였다.

1915년 에칭과 일러스트레이션으로 전향하였다가

1930년경부터 다시 수채화와 유화를 그리기 시작하였다.

사실주의적인 태도로 일관한 그는 시가지나 건물 등을 즐겨 그렸으며,

밤의 레스토랑, 인적이 끊긴 거리, 관람객이 없는 극장 등을 주제로 한 작품이 많다.

주요 작품으로 《책을 읽고 있는 모델》(1925), 《선롯가의 집》(1925),

밤샘하는 사람들》 《밤의 레스토랑》(1942), 《아침 7시》(1948),

《두 가지 빛을 내는 등대》 등이 있다.
